The Bloat Brigade
Imagine this... You wake up one morning feeling lean-- you feel good! You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and you look good,...

Train Smarter, Not Longer
So, the first day of summer is officially here-- cue "panic-mode" for many as they realize they aren't "beach ready". Solution? It is...

Judging a Book by Its Cover
I know it has been taught from a young age to "never judge a book by its cover"; but, there comes a time where that mantra gets pushed...

Sweating to That Summer Body
If you ain't sweatin', you ain't workin'...or are you? Many chalk the intensity (and fat burning capability) of a workout up to how much...

Competition Reflection: Part III- Post-Show Struggle
I have been staring at this blank blog template for weeks now. Typing and backspacing, and typing and backspacing-- my head has been in...

Lick That Bowl! No-Bake (Protein) Brownie Batter
If you're anything like me, then your favorite part of baking is sampling the batter/dough and licking the bowl when you're done! Well,...